Closed for the 2020 season

Dear friends,

As we gather our thoughts to write this letter, we usually begin with describing the weather, the wildlife sightings in the area, and our progression with spring projects. These are the farthest from our minds.  Our thoughts right now are of you and your words of encouragement, unwavering support and commitment to The Waldheim.

These past couple of months have been a stressful time for all of us. We have had to social distance and isolate ourselves from our family, friends and loved ones. Now as most of the country is engaging in the initial phases of reopening, we crave any semblance of normalcy.

When we look at the logistics of operating The Waldheim, we must consider all that are involved- guests, staff, family and the community.  With what little guidelines the NYS Department of Health, CDC and other agencies have given us for operation, we keep coming back to the simple question, “Can we confidently provide an environment that is safe for everyone?”  Sadly, the answer is no.

It is with heavy hearts that we inform you, our Waldheim family, that we have decided to close for the 2020 summer and fall season.  In this regard, please get in touch with Kelly concerning your deposit and future reservation. We assure you this decision was not made lightly and was truly the hardest we have ever had to make.

During what would have been our 117th season, not a moment will go by when we will not be thinking of you.  Many have already expressed that they need The Waldheim more than ever this year and what hurts us the most is that we will not be able to fulfill that need.  Our only consolation is knowing that we will not be putting you at risk and that we will see you safe and well next year.  Until then, please know that you will be greatly missed.  Calls and emails are always welcome- we would LOVE to hear from you!

With much sadness from your “home in the woods”,

Your Waldheim Family

Jason, Kelly, Andrew, Keriann, Roger and Nancy

4 Comments on “Closed for the 2020 season”

  1. It truly is with great sadness that I read your letter. Although I have not been able to be a guest every year since 1959 the Waldheim has never left my heart. I am one of those at high risk and as much that I need North Bay the health and safety of all is much more important. See you in 2021. Enjoy your break.

  2. This is so sad to hear and we totally understand! I hope you are all doing okay in this crazy time.

  3. Well, Nancy, this sad email was posted by Keriann. I hope and believe that she represents the 4th generation of the Martin family at the Waldheim. Behind her desk, and to the left as one enters her office from the boathouse, sits another desk, perhaps unused. It was not always so. When I first entered that office with my father many, many years ago, E.J. Martin was seated there. He is long gone, as is your father, Howard. Howard’s early demise was a blow. For most of my childhood and youth, Howard Martin was the face of Big Moose. I imagine that Wanda is gone as well, as is my mother. Those two were very close, as close perhaps as Uncle Everett and Dad in their early years. A lot of memories, and not just yours’.

    It’s been at least 15 years since we have spoken. I entered your office (Kerriann’s office now?), you looked up, and I asked, “does the name Roby mean anything to you”? You brightened immediately, which warmed my heart, because the name Martin means a great deal to me. I want you (and Keriann) to know that, and so this email. Hope to see you in person next year.

    Warmest Regards, Bim

  4. We love the Adirondac’s and have been goind there for 30 years. What true insanity we live with today, not onlyin this country, but particularly New York State. My sympathy’s to you and and hope that you survive to continue your wonderful service to us all. Thankfully. Dan